Lived theology

Thanks to ProdigalKiwi for alerting me to the "Lived Theology" project at the University of Virginia. It sounds like a fascinating program:

“The Project on Lived Theology is a research initiative housed in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia whose purpose is to understand the way theological commitments shape the social patterns and practices of religious communities. At the heart of the Project’s mission lies the following concern: to encourage younger theologians and scholars of religion to embrace theological life as a form of public responsibility. Among an emerging generation of teachers, writers, and researchers, there exists a hunger for the opportunity to reconnect the theological enterprise with the lived experience of particular communities; and it is our mission to provide a public space in which that task can be pursued through intense and diverse collaboration.”

I can’t wait to learn more of what they’re up to! They’ve posted some mp3’s of their last conference event. And there are papers from some of their events as well.