Tony Jones paper

Thanks to TheCorner for leading me to this report of Tony Jones, and the saga of the presentation he made at a Wheaton conference being censored (my term, not his) out of the book of proceedings from the conference. What fascinates me about the whole event is that I probably would never have read his paper, or even heard about the conference, except that the paper was tossed out of the book and he blogged about it, and then posted both the paper and the powerpoint at his blog.

It reminds me a bit of the Vatican — when it condemns the work of a theologian, as it did recently with Jon Sobrino — MORE people go out and read the ideas. So, take a moment and go and read Tony Jones’ paper. It’s really interesting, focused on what he’s learned from interviewing emergent church communities and “local hermeneutics,” and definitely worth sharing.