Parker Palmer interview

Just stumbled across an interesting interview with Parker Palmer (hat tip to NextReformation).

1 Comment

Terri Speirs commented on 22 June 2007:

Dear Mary, Thank you SO MUCH for your advise on the myspace. I'll return to you a more detailed response, but for now wanted to say thanks. And also thanks for the link to Louie's Caring Bridge site; as livers and me go together. I am so happy to hear that his transplant went well. It really got to me when I read the part where his eye color cleared up so quickly after the procedure. I've heard that from other transplant patients. It's so strange how the bile can clear up so quickly, simply with a working liver. Anyway, with many thanks. Have a wonderful sabbatical. I'll get back to you on your advise. All my best, Terri Speirs