Latin mass returning?

We’re still struggling to help Eric heal from a variety of health challenges, so I haven’t had much time to read blogs, let alone comment in this one. Still, it’s worth noting that speculation is high that Benedict 16th is about to release wider support for the Tridentine (ie. Latin) mass. This is a problem on many levels, but perhaps the most crucial one from my perspective stems from damaging elements in that liturgical rite having to do with Jews. John Allen has a good post on this topic, and the Boston College Center for Christian-Jewish Learning has a good background paper on the issues. There is also a statement there issued on April 4, 2007 by a German Catholic group.

John Allen opines that such a statement from the Pope might create a media frenzy, but not have much impact on the local church. We can only hope! But at the same time, it might well be an opportunity to do some useful adult education on the topic of Catholic-Jewish relationships. In that case, the Boston College center has a great set of educational resources available.