Learning the medical system…

Well, it’s been several crazy days here. Eric has been fighting a skin rash — which we thought was an allergic reaction to laundry detergent — and then on Monday, popped his knee which immediately swelled up badly. Our attempts to get him help have been interesting (Alex has many details in his blog, and Eric wrote a piece in the main blog). We’ve learned that there are no such things as "over the counter" drugs here (things like ibuprofen, cortaid cream, etc.). Everything is sold through an "apotheke" — either by talking with the pharmacist there, or with a doctor’s prescription.

The other blogs have the whole story, but the short version is that Eric has a bad microbial infection that’s left him with horrible eczema and bursitis in his knee. One doctor even wanted to admit him to the hospital! He may still end up hospitalized, but for now he’s home with numerous prescriptions, and we’ll reeling a bit in shock. I’ve cancelled my upcoming conference trip, and we need to keep Eric as quiet as possible for the next couple of weeks. Sigh. Prayers would be appreciated!