Back to work…
Today was the first day since we’ve been here that I’ve actually sat down and tried to get some real work done. The kids are still on vacation (they’re following their school calendars at the moment), so I didn’t go on any of their "expeditions" today (which mostly consisted of various train rides around Vienna, and a trip to the mall).
I must admit: it was hard. My mind is caught up in trying to understand German, and paying attention to the media here. Getting back into the paper I was writing before I left (this one due in early March), was confusing and difficult. I eventually gave up and just started reading for it. I’ve probably read enough to write, but I need to feel part of the conversation again.
The book I’m reading is Stewart Hoover’s “Religion in the Media Age” and it puts together in one carefully thought through and elegant place, most of his current work on religious practices and media practices, and the complex and interesting ways in which they are each other. I highly recommend it! (And it’s a great way to procrastinate from getting writing done…)
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