Stay in the struggle

Yesterday a friend from Texas wrote to share the story of what he had gone through with movers who were helping him move. Among other trials in the midst of the hard work of moving, he overheard the movers making homophobic jokes about him and his partner. His note made me weep for what he had undergone, and my heart continues to ache that such stories are all too commonplace.

Experiences like his make me all the more determined to stay in the struggle, to share hope, work for justice, and to love ALL of God’s people. Two resources that have come my way recently. First, the new play that is up at the Children’s Theatre Company through the end of February: Tale of a West Texas Marsupial Girl. It’s a wonderful, powerful, magical/fantastical piece that explores the pain and anger that grows out of being different in a community unable to handle difference. In the case of the play, it’s a young girl who is born with a marsupial pouch. But the metaphor works across all sorts of difference, and the play is really well staged and acted. Go and see it! Take your friends, your children’s friends, anyone else you can talk into going. You don’t have to tell them what it’s about, just tell them it’s the Children’s Theatre, a great play, and let them experience it.

Second, another friend sent me the notice that on Saturday, March 31 from 1 to 5:45 pm the Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus will be hosting a conference: Faces of Faith, Passion for Inclusion. Bishop Shelby Spong will be the keynote speaker, and there will be workshops, wonderful music, and great conversation. It’s going to be held at the Ted Mann concert hall on the U of MN campus. I wish I could go, but we’ll be in Austria by then. Please help to spread the word!