Racism and theology

Cheryl Peterson, theologian at Trinity in Columbus, and author of the "TheologyForTheChurch" blog, reflects this week on racism in the church. She points off to a classic piece by James Cone that asks — implores, castigates, really — why white theologians aren’t interrogating racism. I think his question is still a key one, but at least we’ve got a few more resources to engage. James Perkinson’s book "White Theology: Outing Supremacy in Modernity" is one such resource, as is the ongoing work of the catholic theologians thinking about these issues.


cpeterson commented on 30 January 2007:

I agree that we have more resources than when Cone wrote, but I do think his critique still stands for the majority of white Protestant theologians who write standard texts and introductions in systematic theology, such as Ted Peters, Douglas John Hall, etc.


cpeterson commented on 30 January 2007:

I agree that we have more resources than when Cone wrote, but I do think his critique still stands for the majority of white Protestant theologians who write standard texts and introductions in systematic theology, such as Ted Peters, Douglas John Hall, etc.
