Is God green?
The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity for me, with preparations for a big event this coming weekend. The Archdiocese is hosting a huge conference in Eden Prairie at Pax Christi church on Catholic social teaching in relation to the environment. I know we’ve already got more than 500 people signed up to come (it’s a free event - you can still sign up!), but as a form of preparation and getting people interested we’ve been showing Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth, in a variety of places.
One of the times we showed it, at Luther, I was asked by a student how to talk about this issue with people who won’t even go to such a film because Al Gore is a figure they want nothing to do with. Today I watched the PBS/Bill Moyers’ special, Is God green?, as further preparation for Saturday. I think that this tv show, far more than the Al Gore film, will help people who are both conservative and evangelical, to take the issues seriously. It’s available in streaming video online, so if you have folk whom you’d like to engage on the issue of the environment, and they’re coming from that place, check it out.
The show’s website is actually useful for other reasons, too, because it has a ton of links to other resources.
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1 Comment
Dan Ruth commented on 27 October 2006:What a fascinating video! I think that you are correct in saying that this is more accessible to evangelicals than Al Gore is. But what really struck me is that when the pastor of the church in Idaho preached a pro-environment sermon, the vast majority of comments were positive . . . even freeing. It seemed like the people in the congregation wanted to be told that it was okay to care about the environment. They were ready. They simply needed someone to stand up and say that God cares too. Thanks for the link!