WACC statement on Lebanon

WACC has just released the following statement:

Statement by World Association for Christian Communication onhostilities in Lebanon

Yet again one country is suffering the full military onslaught ofanother unimaginably more powerful. Israel justifies its action inthe name of self-defence and territorial integrity. People die onboth sides, but the consequences for Lebanon are disproportionate,including the total destruction of its infrastructure and futurestability.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says that it is using “a windowof opportunity for military operations”. Hezbollah justifies what itdoes in the name of liberation. But, the war is not simply aconsequence of recent actions. It is the latest aspect of an ongoingimbalance of power and disdain for justice in the region.

WACC’s partners in the Middle East have called on the nations of theworld to do what they can to bring an end to the attack on Lebanon.They are urging diplomatic action to end the crisis. But thegovernments of many countries have not responded to this terriblesituation.

The Rev. Randy Naylor, General Secretary of WACC, called on WACCmembers and the mass media “to vigorously question governments’actions regarding the emergency in Lebanon and to urge theinternational community to take immediate steps to stop thehostilities.”

“WACC believes that the mass media should play a critical role inrevealing the broader context and imbalances, challengingmisperceptions and calling governments to account.” He emphasisedthat “prominent and in-depth coverage of all the options for apeaceful and just solution is vital”.

WACC endorses the call for churches, ecumenical bodies, internationalhumanitarian organizations, and institutions of civil societythroughout the world to bring moral and spiritual pressure to bearupon their countries’ governments to stop the killing, to bring thedifferent parties into dialogue, and to provide immediatehumanitarian assistance to Lebanon.