
Thanks to WavesofMercy for a heartfelt meditation today. Erin ran across a YouTube clip of Jon Stewart’s first DailyShow after 9/11. In watching it, she was reminded of the sense of oneness she felt in those days with others the world over:

“It was a poignant reminder for me of that day, but more importantly of the fleeting moments of clarity that we have in life, Celtic traditions refer to these times as the “thin places”. Beyond the fear, past the anger, in the middle of the rips and tears in our hearts, I remember the undeniable moments of oneness. And not just oneness with the people of this country - but the world. There was oneness with the world.”

I remember that feeling. I remember that day singing one of my more favorite Marty Haugen songs, “Shepherd me O God,” whose refrain is “shepherd me O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life.” Clearly the song is based on Psalm 23, but it has always resonated more with me than reading the psalm itself does. Today I am humming that refrain again, and hoping that we might find a way to share that prayer with the world. May we find a oneness in such a prayer, rather than in revenge or anger or fear.