More on Katherine Schori
Here’s a very nice piece that Diane Winston has written on Katherine Schori, the new presiding bishop of the Episcopal church in the USA. Winston points out why Schori doesn’t fit the reigning frame of US news coverage, and has a number of pieces of her background and experience that may well be crucial to the future of the Episcopal church:
“Schori’s lasting impact may stem not from her sex but from the complex mix of personal qualities and life experience that equip her for leadership in a deeply divided society and the communion that reflects those conflicts. In the course of her odyssey to ecclesiastical leadership, Schori has taken on three of the nation’s most pressing issues: the growing gap between science and religion, the surge in the religiously unaffiliated Americans, and the swelling numbers of Hispanic immigrants. If she can convince her co-religionists to meet these challenges, Schori could move the church from debilitating internal debates over sexuality to reengagement with the larger society. “
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