More on Coffin

Robert Shetterley has a powerful journal entry up at CommonDreams about his last conversation with William Sloane Coffin:

“When I go out to talk myself, I love to quote Bill Coffin. He said, “…If you lessen your anger at the structures of power, you lower your love for the victims of power.” That says it all. It’s what Terry Tempest Williams means by sacred rage. Whether it’s a snail darter, a blackburnian warbler, or an Iraqi child being made collateral damage for someone’s unjust gain, the volatile mix of grief and anger and love fuels a holy flame.”

“If there was such thing as sin in Bill Coffin’s theology, it was surely to not have used whatever power, moral or physical, one has to protect another’s life from injustice. That’s what drove him. A good drink. A good joke. A good song. A moral act. A worthy laugh.”

One other thing that Coffin said that I like: “Hope criticizes what is, hopelessness rationalizes it. Hope resists, hopelessness adapts.”

I surely believe that Christians are called to hope… may this Holy Week remind us of holy hope.