Support gay marriage

Thanks to Adan for alerting us to the straight couple who’s taken their wedding celebration to Canada, to protest the denial of marriage for gays in the US. Those of us who carry heterosexual privileges need to use our privileges to open up access — and economic pressure (such as taking business to Canada) can be one way forward. (It also adds yet one more element to the list of reasons why moving to Canada looks like a better idea every day…)

Additional ideas for how straight people can support their gay friends and colleagues can be found in Jennifer Brown and Ian Ayres’ book, Straighforward, as well as their guest posts on the Lessig blog.

1 Comment

ross commented on 30 March 2006:

Thanks for the post. I'm excited to see all the supportive people out in the blogosphere. I follow the actions out OutFront MN, but I'm not always sure if they connect with everyday people.

I've been reading your blog for a while. I've been a fan since I was in your class a few years ago!