Week of flu…

This week has been the week of flu at our house. The kids have been home all week, and I’m so tired I can hardly see straight. Last night was the first night in over a week that I was able to sleep all through. I’m beginning to wonder about the wider world’s response to Avian flu, because if a week of just plain old virus can do this to our family, I hesitate to even think about what a real nasty flu could do. I’ve had access to Eric being able to make runs to the grocery, to a fabulous pediatrician, and so on. But in the event of a pandemic, all of that would change. I know how Pam feels, at WordbyWord, and it was important that she remind me — that she remind all Christians — that

“One theory on why the early church survived and even thrived in the periods of persecution in the pre-Constantinian era is that Christians were unusually courageous in the face of various plagues that swept across the urban centers of the empire.”

As we think about the upcoming challenges, we need to remember how to be present to each other, even in the midst of sleep deprivation and fear.