Too busy to blog…
I think that blogging, for me personally, has always been a kind of relaxation. It allows me to "download" the many interesting tidbits of info that come across my radar screen without feeling like I have to file them away carefully, because I can always do a quick search of my blog. But this week — the first of our spring term — has been so crazy busy that I have not had any time to even ‘look’ at my radar screen (the many blogs I read, email listservs, etc.), let alone blog about them. And as a consequence, I think I’m tenser than usual. And tonight, so tired I’m about to drop.
I cannot believe that I’ve gotten myself into the course load I’m carrying this term — and I have got to ensure that I never do it again. Not simply because it’s making me crazy, and this is only the first week of the term, but because I’m fairly certain it’s not going to allow me to be very effective. Sigh.
In any case, I opened my computer just now to do a quick triage of my email and found an announcement I just couldn’t bear to lose. The World Association of Christian Communicators is sponsoring three weeks of global action on gender and the media. Go to their site, Who Makes the News, and check it out!
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