Back online!

Well, I finally have my computer back. It has a new screen, new connections for its wireless card, and a new hard drive. This last repair was the most problematic, because when I sent my computer in to be fixed, I hadn’t backed it up properly. Sigh. I THOUGHT I had, but it turns out my backup only kept my documents folder — not my video files folder, my music folder, my photos folder. Huge sigh.

Let this be a lesson to anyone out there who’s avoided doing regular, FULL back-ups.

In the days since I’ve been online, all sorts of things have occurred that I need to blog about — the faith-filled, profound, and still full of brokenness (because we are all sinners) national assembly of the ELCA; the Bush government’s argument NOT to release additional evidence of abuse at Abu Ghraib; more church history cards, courtesy of the Disseminary; Brian McLaren’s clarifying of his work on emergent church; and ever so much more.