Air America

Ok, I admit it — although I’m a staunch supporter of NPR, I HATE pledge drives. I know that they’re necessary, because otherwise new members don’t join, but I hate having to listen to them. And until recently, NPR was the only radio station I ever bothered to turn on. But this week, having my teeth set on edge yet again by the perky volunteers of the pledge drive, I turned to AM950, and all of a sudden, an alternative!

AM950 in the Twin Cities is the station that is part of Air America. I have to admit, even the nature of its commercials don’t bother me so much. I’m not at all sure how they’re surviving — particularly when our local NPR station gets its “sponsorship” from places like Archer Daniels Midland (“supermarket to the world” — and purveyor of all sorts of problematic agrichemicals) — but so far Air America is surviving. I like hearing commercials about cement— “support your local union mason” — and other such enterprises.

So, take a moment and pledge to MPR, and then turn your dial to AM950 and enjoy some progressive talk radio.