Mercury and autism
Full disclosure: our eldest son lives with prosopagnosia, a condition that is often a symptom of autism spectrum disorders. Given this reality, I am often in contact with parents of kids with autism spectrum disorders. Many of them believe that childhood vaccinations are a likely cause of the neurological deficits their children face. For a long time I’ve listened to these arguments, but not been very persuaded by them. It’s clear that mercury causes neurological problems. And thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is used as a preservative in multiple childhood vaccines. So there is at least some reason to wonder. But I’ve always thought that environmental mercury is a bigger issue, and probably more likely a catalyst for these disorders. But now I’ve just read a piece by Robert Kennedy, Jr. on this issue, and I find myself being persuaded. And that is frightening! Because if he’s right, then we are facing a huge moral crisis:
“If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children, their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of American medicine.”
So what ought we to be doing about this? For one thing, don’t stop vaccinating your children. But DO demand from your doctors mercury-free immunizations — and these are available (I know, because I’ve asked for them for our kids). You might also want to become familiar with the SafeMinds site.
ARGH. It’s not like I really need another issue to care about or worry over. But fatigue is not a good excuse to close my mind, and I think I should have been more willing to listen to my friends and fellow parents before this. No matter. Now I’m listening!
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Eric commented on 20 June 2005:OMG... what have we done?
That is the question, isn't it? And Eric also just noted to me that my entry made it sound like all of our kids' immunizations had been mercury free. They haven't been. Just the recent ones, when I knew to ask.