Roman Catholic women priests

The group of women who were ordained two summers ago — and who are now ordaining others — has just launched a website. Check it out!


Mary Jo Winkler-Callighen commented on 07 June 2005:

If Rome feels that women are not similar enough to Christ embodied, then all current priests who were not born Jewish, and who were not circumcized, must be defrocked.

Johnson Eme commented on 27 July 2005:

Is it just what Rome says. What did the Bible say about women ordination?

Kristi Johnson commented on 01 August 2005:

I believe that woman played an equal role at the beginning of christianity. I believe that this was changed over time. I don't think that Christ ever intended a diminished role for women. It is time for these changes to come.

Kristi Johnson commented on 01 August 2005:

I believe that woman played an equal role at the beginning of christianity. I believe that this was changed over time. I don't think that Christ ever intended a diminished role for women. It is time for these changes to come.

Christian commented on 30 July 2006:

Jesus created us all equal. But men cannot bear children and women cannot be priests.

Roman Catholic commented on 19 August 2006: