Colorado Springs and the megachurch

The Revealer is pointing off to at least half of an article soon to run in Harper’s Magazine about Colorado Springs, and Ted Haggard’s megachurch there. I’m increasingly fascinated by the media attention being paid to mega churches, and I can’t quite figure out if it has to do with a sort of consumerist appreciation for success/excess, or a fear of the role of some evangelicals in political processes. Whatever the case, it’s an interesting article and worth pondering, for these churches are increasingly defining what is "Christian" in the popular imagination.


Mary Hess commented on 19 May 2005:

Yes, I know what you mean! And these days, celebrating Eucharist in a living room makes even more sense given some of the current dynamics in the Roman Catholic community...

LutheranChik commented on 19 May 2005:

Makes me kind of yearn for a church consisting of a livingroomful of people celebrating the Eucharist over a coffee table.;-)