USSCB advocates against the death penalty

The US conference of Catholic bishops has launched a major new campaign against the death penalty. I’m pleased to point off to their new website which is full of useful resources. I would also point off to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, and the Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota. Easter is a powerful and utterly appropriate time to be engaging these issues.


executioner commented on 25 January 2006:

I hope the sentence is carried out before she reaches the age of 25.

Aunt Em commented on 02 March 2006:

You obviously don't know these people personally or you would feel much different about these cases. Andrew was truly the prodigal son, given unconditional love and support by his family, regardless of his actions. The mixture of Andrew and Chelsea created a third being, evil and greedy. Suzanna served as their puppet.

Keith Lynch commented on 18 April 2006:

Dear O.T.Org:

My name is Keith Lynch and I'm the author of "Dirty Justice Who Killed Mommy?" I do not believe in the death penalty, especially when it is not applied fairly, which as we know is not the situation in many cases.
I wish to invite you to experience the drama that has unfolded in my life as I receive my serving of "Dirty Justice." Once you begin reading Dirty Justice , you simply will not be able to put it down. One cannot begin to imagine that what has happened to my family actually occurred in America . Dirty Justice will compel you to look at your loved ones and the judicial system in a new light. This tragedy will encourage you to cherish the time you have with your children and remind you of the commitments made to your relationships.
Dirty Justice is a true story that contains death, homosexuality, arson, kidnapping, illegal adoption, identity theft, police and judicial corruption.
Only God's intervention and the help of Attorneys Rodney Williams and Brad Gardner's never-ending desire to find truth will expose the injustice, which has contributed to this family's nightmare.

Ladies and Gentlemen, "A people without A voice can not be heard."Please pass my website onto others. I was placed in this situation by law enforcement, and public officials. to write about the injustice, I was falsely incarcerated for fourteen months, and my children were illegally adopted by the state of Georgia. The State of Georgia was willing to take away my life even though they did not know how my wife died, and used the investigating Detective as the state's witness to obtain a indictment. Please visit my website and purchase a copy of Dirty Justice after you read of the civil, children, parental, and human rights violations, which has occurred pass it onto any organization,media outlet, or attorney who would be willing to assist me in this travesty of justice. Thank you for time. Keith Lynch 862-224-0245.