Marriage equity in San Francisco

I realize that this news will only inflame people like Michelle Bachman, but it nevertheless warms my heart: a judge has declared California’s ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional. I am deeply cognizant of how many people of faith will find this judgment terrifying, but to me it is a hope-filled sign. I long for the day when choosing to make a lifelong, monogamous commitment that builds relationality and supports families will be something any two adults can choose to do, and thus have access to all of the benefits the state institutionally and legally grants to such a partnership.

1 Comment

Paul commented on 17 March 2005:

Since you liked Ched Myers' review of Mel Gibson's Passion ( ), you may be interested in a couple of articles he wrote about same sex marriage.

"Same-Gender Marriage as a Social Justice Issue: Splitting the Difference?"

"Same-Gender Marriage as a Theological/Ecclesial Issue: Reflections on Isaiah 56:1-8"

By the way, I'm an Australian friend of Ched's who found your blog by typing "Ched Myers" into Google.
