Fighting electoral fraud

Given that this happens so very rarely, I have to note it when it does: I actually agree with the Powerline blog on something. They are arguing that it’s crucial to our democracy to fight electoral fraud. I am deeply glad that conservative Republicans have actually stood up and said this publicly. Now, of course, I disagree with their "facts" and the reasons they’re calling for said reform (in this post they slam the Gregoire election in Washington state), but I think it’s worth noting — as I have before — that ensuring that our electoral processes are fair and legal ought to be a concern ALL of us share.

That being said, let me also note that I am tired of the gloating this particular blog (written by a fellow Twin Citian) is doing on the CBS story, and I recommend that anyone who’s interested in the “back story” (not to mention critical perspective) read Greg Palast’s essay.