Powerline wins Time blog award

Well, BigMedia (ie. Time magazine) has just named Powerline its blog of the year. Somehow this doesn’t surprise me. Completely ignoring all of the blogs that actually have spawned decentralized communities of discourse (dailyKos, DFA, etc. etc.), Time has chosen a blog that doesn’t even allow comments, but that DID manage to have an immediate effect on big media (ie. CBS, through the Dan Rather document story). Writes the author of the story, "When you read Power Line, you feel as if you’re part of a community, a like-minded righteous few. It’s as if you’ve stumbled on a sympathetic haven in the lonely, trackless wilderness of the Internet."

Never mind that there are blogs that actually create space for real community. Read the comments to the DFA blog, for instance, and over time you’ll discover people really caring for each other. Sometimes I think the most interesting things happening on the DFA blog are in the comments section, not even the main paragraphs of the blog itself. But you wouldn’t even know that such a world exists by reading the Time article. Sigh. I suppose people will figure it out, eventually, but in the meantime BigMedia will do its best to keep you from stumbling onto this realization.