Agreeing and fundamental disagreement
It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that Americans (at least judging by recent polls) see things the same way — but with an underlying disagreement that is disastrous. It looks to me like most Americans believe what the Democrats are saying about the Republicans — that the war in Iraq was preemptive, that we’re using torture with prisoners, that Bush will not admit to making mistakes, and so on — but while Democrats think these things are really wrong and are reason enough to throw out this administration, people leaning Republican think they are good policies.
I don’t want to believe this. Especially since one of Bush’s more solid bases is that of evangelical Christians, and I think all three things I mentioned above contradict core Christian teachings. But it looks to be true. And now I begin to be afraid. For what are we coming to as a country, if these are the policies a majority of Americans WANT to follow?
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