Music videos worth a look

One of my favorite parts of the iTunes music store is its catalog of music videos, updated regularly and available in both small and large Quicktime window formats. Here are a few I definitely recommend checking out: REM’s "Bad Day" (which uses a newcast "frame" in interesting ways), Kanye West’s "Jesus Walks" (which is a better depiction of gospel values than most sermons), Badly Drawn Boy’s "Year of the Rat" (which is an anthem for love and peace), Jem’s "They" (which is often how I feel these days), and Sting’s "Send your love." I wish I could figure out how to link directly to them, but until I do so, go to the iTunes music store and then navigate through their music video section. And if you find something great — let me know!

1 Comment

Eric commented on 06 September 2004:

Mary, here's a big ugly link to "They"...

Does it work for you?

I got this by dragging the word "Video" from the "breadcrumbs" at the top of the iTunes window into the bookmark bar of Safari, then copying it from there.

Awkward, to say the least!
