Back home again

Gosh I’m tired! I’m back from the MRC meeting, with tons of notes and ideas to share. I hope I can find some time tomorrow to write about them. It would have been nice if the meeting had had wireless access, because than I could perhaps have blogged while the meeting was going on. Sigh.

I think our panel went pretty well, and I was really pleased — and surprised — by how many people showed up for it. Given that it was about teaching, and also that it was at the very end of the meeting, I wasn’t very hopeful about attendance. But we had a respectable group, and lots of interesting comments and questions. I hope we can put together something on teaching for the next MRC meeting as well (which is now planned for July of 2006 in Sweden).

I’m glad to be home, but while I was in Kentucky, someone broke into my office at Luther and thoroughly searched/trashed it — pulling out drawers and dumping them, shoving books off the shelf, etc. As far as I can tell, nothing is missing short of some small change from my desk drawer. My colleague had a computer taken, and there may well have been other damage. Since it’s a holiday weekend, I haven’t yet talked with too many people at work. But it’s been disconcerting to deal with, and I had to spend too much time this afternoon rearranging and bringing order back to the chaos. Sigh. I wonder if it would help to put a sign up on my office door that points out that I have no cash within?