Dean vs. Nader
This just in from Democracy for America:
“Governor Dean will be debating Ralph Nader today at 2 PM Eastern - and you can watch live on the Democracy for America web site. You will find all the coverage and a link to the live streaming video on our blog:
The debate is sponsored by NPR and will be moderated by Margot Adler. After the debate, we’ll have links to audio and video archives:
With so much at stake in this election, now is not the time for a third party candidate. Governor Dean will make the case that anyone who cares about the future of our country and undoing the damage George Bush has done will be voting for John Kerry.”
I imagine this will be quite an interesting debate, definitely worth checking out!
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R Davis commented on 16 July 2004:I was happy to hear both Nader and Dean endorse Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), a method for fixing the "spoiler" problem. This system of voting is described at . IRV allows a voter to vote for a third party candidate without the fear of throwing the election to the major party candidate that they like least. This would allow a qualified third party to steadily build support, something that is not currently possible.
I think that Nader could best publicize this issue by running his campaign to promote his positions but dropping out just before the election, stating that he is forced to do so by the current system so that he does not act as a spoiler. He could then recommend that his supporters vote for the candidate who has best taken up his positions or that he most supports. That, at least, would give him some political leverage and the major parties, as well as the people, might give a little more thought to addressing this issue. In any case, this would be much more responsible than acting as a spoiler.
Ironically, a spoiler is most likely to throw the election to the candidate who he is least like. During the debate, Nader stated: "And if you don't vote your conscience, I'd like to hear from you about what part of your body you are voting.". I would propose that, in not facilitating Bush's election by voting for Nader, a voter is voting their BRAIN. Nader likewise needs to exercise his brain along with his well-developed conscience.
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