Adam Felber’s marriage

Thanks to a wise local pastor (Pam Fickenscher of Edina Community Lutheran Church) I have just discovered Adam Felber’s weblog (he of NPR’s "Wait, wait — don’t tell me!" fame). His "concise history of a marriage" had me laughing out loud, but with an underlying recognition of how ridiculous are some of the claims currently circulating in MN, at least, about the "threat" of gay marriage. (His piece was originally broadcast onThis American Life, which right now has other great resources on marriage at their site, too). There was a similar kind of piece in the Star Tribune last week, but I can’t find it in their archives. It essentially used all of the arguments currently being used against gays being married, but turned the terms of the argument around and argued, instead, that evangelicals shouldn’t be married. Both of these humorous pieces strike a deep chord, and prompt me to ask — as someone who is trying very hard to follow the deep logic of Christianity in my own life — where would Jesus be? We know from the gospels that he spent an awful lot of time hanging around with people whom the rest of the culture marginalized and reviled. Can we see Christ in the eyes of people seeking marriage? Can we see Christ in the eyes of those seeking to live public lives of commitment to love and family-building?