Gibson film resources

I finally found the time to see Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ. While it was in many ways moving, and profoundly wrenching emotionally, it was also problematic for me. I had to do a five minute "talk" as part of a panel on the film at Luther yesterday, so I’ll leave my remarks here if you’re interested. Meanwhile, there are a number of really excellent websites out there that provide rich background material, interesting reviews, and reflective study guide materials. The Boston College Center for Christian-Jewish learning has the best combination of resources I’ve found on the web for engaging this movie. (Incidentally, it’s not in response to the film, but they also host a wonderful set of articles that were published in the journal Religious Education on religious traditions in conversation.) After BC I would point to the Daughters of St. Paul movie site, which also hosts a study guide for the film. The National Council of Churches has a much briefer guide up in pdf, as does the PCUSA. The ELCA has put a guide up for reflection with youth, and the NT Gateway has collected a number of other resources.