Remember what Bush is about

I’ve been reading David Cay Johnston’s "Perfectly Legal" — yes, I know, not directly connected to the book I’m writing OR the grant I’m administering, but compelling nonetheless, especially in a presidential campaign year. I can’t get over how angry the book makes me at Congress, for continuing to legislate policies that deliberately shift wealth from 2/3 or more of us to a very small group of people. Sometimes when I get so angry, only humor helps me keep some balance. So here’s an editorial cartoon by David Horsey. As Sojourners points out, most Americans care more about what we’re going to do to address the widening poverty in this country, than they do about gay marriage or athletes’ use of steroids. So let’s figure out some basic, useful measures to deal with this! Dean had a number, perhaps we can convince Kerry to adopt them. And check here for your very own sense of how much the Bush tax cuts are costing you.