I LOVE digital tools

Eric gave me a belated birthday present today: an electronic MIDI keyboard that, when connected to my computer, makes GarageBand a whole lot more fun! I can already think of a ton of things I’d like to try with it, and of course, since it’s so nicely integrated into the rest of my Mac programs, I can use the music I make with it as a soundtrack to iPhoto slideshows, iMovies, and so on.

Which reminds me: I have no idea if the MusicForAmerica people use Mac tools (although, since the things they create are in Quicktime, it’s a good bet), but they’ve already put up a remix of Bush’s main political ad. THIS is the kind of creativity we’re going to need in the next several months of the campaign.

1 Comment

Eric Celeste commented on 08 March 2004:

That link for the keyboard does not work. Try this one.