The Whos down in Whoville…

The Dean weblog pointed me off to this poem, but it’s clearly been circulating for a while:

The Whos down in Whoville liked people a lot,
But the Grinch in the White House most certainly did not.
He didn’t arrive there by the will of the Whos,
But stole the election that he really did lose.
Vowed to “rule from the middle,” then installed his regime.
(Did this really happen, or is it just a bad dream?)

It continues in the same vein, but goes on to make the positive point that "the Whos came together, sang "not in our name," and "Feed our hope, not our hate!" This morning, in the midst of six inches of heavy snow, it feels right to me to read this poem.

1 Comment

Betty commented on 29 March 2004:

I love the whos down in whosville I would like to have the whole poem. Love it!!!