Let the battling memes begin…
So Bush/Cheney begin their first major ad campaign today, and it’s a fascinating one. You can see the ads at their website. "What sees us through tough times?" goes the commercial, "freedom, faith, families and sacrifice." Interesting choice of words, and when paired with kind of folksy music, it could sell. I just hope the rest of us find a way into much deeper versions of this meaning-making, and don’t cede the definitions of what constitutes freedom, what constitutes faith, what constitutes a family, and what constitutes sacrifice to the right wing!
One alternative can be found in Moveon.org’s ad campaign, which includes the winner of their ad contest. But I hope that not all of the ads we put out there speak to our concerns, I hope some of them manage to be positive and call us to believe that we can do together, with government, far more than we could imagine alone.
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