Minnesota precincts caucuses tonight!
Today is "super Tuesday," and lots of states all over the country are voting their presidential preferences. Here in Minnesota, you can vote on the presidential preference poll at your precinct caucus between 7 and 8 pm, and then you can stick around to subcaucus if you like. Here’s what we, in the Minnesota for Dean campaign urge you to consider:
- On Thursday, Dean asked his supporters to vote for someone who could win the nomination.2. Earlier in the month, Dean said he preferred Edwards and thought he was the most electable of the two leading candidates.3. If we can help Edwards win Minnesota, we will have won something too — Respect from the other campaigns.4. A vote for Edwards now is both good defense against Bush (less time to shoot at one candidate), and offense in the party (We do have power).5. A vote for Dean is unlikely to reach the 15% threshold of viability, which means no delegates or influence. "Politics is about winning." Dean people need to win something.6. Edwards will be out of the race soon, if he doesn’t win some more states. We can help him. It also allows other states to have their voices heard. Kerry doesn’t need our help.7. Caucusing "Uncommitted/Stand up to special interests" allows us to win delegates and influence in the state.8. We are stronger when we work together.It’s the strategy we chose Thursday night so Dean, and his supporters, can win real influence in the party and country.
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