Spirit Garage in the NYT
Dateline Miinneapolis: And the story is about the emerging church movement. It’s fun to see some of the energy from around here make it into the print press of a stolid paper like the NYT. I have friends involved with Spirit Garage, and it’s nice to see their congregation written about. But the story is, like much that’s in the Times these days, thin on detail, too shallow for much context, and lacking any sense of the breadth and depth of the innovation that is retrieving elements of Christian tradition here. The story doesn’t even mention the Basilica, which has the one of the more energetic Catholic ministries in town.
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Ryan Torma commented on 19 February 2004:While shorter than I would like, I thought the article was well written and did speak more about the issues driving emerging churches than many articles written in mainstream media. I was very glad that we did not get the angle of 'those crazy kids and their rock 'n roll' which seems to often happen when outsiders look at a place like spirit garage. As if somehow when we are older we will come to our senses and will transfer to other more traditional churches.
It is my experience that people at a place like Spirit Garage are seeking a way to encounter God in a way that has not been possible for them in other locations and settings. This is not to discount the good work going on in traditional congregations, it is just that some folks need something different.
Also, the reporter mentioned to me that this article was the first foray into the emerging church concept for the NY Times. So given that I was supprised to see how much space the article got, and even more supprised that it ran below the fold on the front page.
Ok, that's fair! I'm glad that as someone who's so involved with Spirit Garage, you liked the article!
good for you! its not about the place , rituals, etc....it's about the heart, and relationship...and being real before God! Keep on seeking...
Hi there! Your site is cool!