Miscellaneous Dean sites
Tomorrow is the Wisconsin primary. I mailed a package out to my family a couple of weeks ago that included the message I wrote in this weblog, and a tape with Dean’s Meet the Press interview, as well as Diane Sawyer’s "mea culpa" on the post-Iowa coverage. This weekend I was psyched to discover that my mailing not only affected my family, but was shared more widely by them with other people. I’m not ready to count Dean out in Wisconsin, or beyond, for that matter. I know, you may call me a dreamer, an idealist, and so on. But I’d rather be accused of dreaming, than cynicism. If you’re still interested in Dean, here are some more sites to visit: his interview with Fox news yesterday, Six reasons why he would win in the general election, a summary of links, and Dean’s electability. If you live in Wisconsin, please remember that YOU GET TO VOTE! You don’t have to accept what the mass media are "spinning" in your direction.
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