Dean stakes it on Wisconsin
Well, it’s official: Wisconsin has become "do or die" for Dean. I’m a little scared that he’s saying that so publicly, since it only makes the opposition that much more focused. But it also focuses us. So if you were ever going to give him money, if you’ve ever thought about contributing, now is the time to do it. Here’s "the bat" where you can click to give money online. And here’s a reason to do so (I’m reposting this comment from the Dean weblog, because I can’t figure out how to link to just it directly):
I’m from Wisconsin. Born & raised in the Milwaukee area and I can tell you this about Wisconsinites. We voted for Mondale.Our Senator Bill Proxmire created the “Golden Fleece Awards” for Congress. They were awarded for the most ridiculous pork in the budget annually. Bill was Senator forever.We also have a newly elected Democratic Governor Jim Doyle (Tommy Thompson was our Gov for 16 years, but only becuase the Dems couldn’t find a suitable person to run against him…we ran dweebs that only the most hardcore of us could vote for).We LOVE Russ Feingold (only Sen who voted against the Patriot Act) and have reelected several times on the no soft money campaign trail pledge. He was broke at the end of the last election, but we elected him anyway over a heavily financed sitting Republican.Our Mayor in Milwaukee was a Socialist for like 20 years and we love our politics as long as they are clean.Dean can definitely win Wisconsin.It’s good that Dean drew his line in the sand in WI. We are loving it here and we are banding together.We are liberal, progressive and we love to vote for the good guy. We hate big money and despise corruption, and we love grassroots. We like underdogs and we have NEVER had a say in a primary before since we always voted in April after Super Tuesday. We BEGGED to be important in this process after last time and trust me. People are taking this seriously. They just need a nudge. Some sort of confirmation that they are doing the right thing and we will be happy to stand up to the establishment. Protest votes are our specialty and we will stand up to Special Interests at every chance we’re given.HIT IT FOR WISCONSIN!!!Dean can and will win Wisconsin with your help!! We need ads…regardless of what they look like…no one else has them, Clark are pulled, Kerry has ignored us and I still haven’t seen an Edwards ad, I don’t know what they look like. If we can get Dean on the air here, he will look stronger than the others and Wisconsinites will flock to him.We LOVE a good fight here. Help us make a stand!!One more thing, I was phoning a Dean list yesterday and out of 40 people I reached, only one had changed his mind… Dean’s base is holding strong here, let’s get him the undecideds to put him on top!Posted by Renee in Milw at February 5, 2004 09:34 AM on the comments to the Dean weblog
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