A Wisconsin voice for Dean

Wisconsin’s primary is shaping up to be an important one for Howard Dean. Here’s a letter that pretty much sums up my own feelings as well.

A Vote for America
By Bill AndersonIn case you haven’t made up your mind on who to vote for in the Democratic primary on February 17, I think I might try convincing you to choose the one candidate I think can best take on Bush in November. He’s the person who inspired me to get involved in politics. I have met so many people since joining his campaign and had many great experiences. I feel like I’m a part of something greater than myself, and that I’m not just working for him or for the Democratic party, but for America.What is truly amazing, is that of all the people I’ve met since joining this movement, most of them have never been involved in politics before. Finding a campaign like that is rare in modern American politics. Most Americans don’t really care about politics anymore.

But this campaign is changing that. We are all just ordinary Americans. I have worked with people who are young, old, rich, poor, black, white, Hispanic, gay, straight, and everything in between. Some of us are students, but most are adults with families and jobs. Some of us voted for Bush in 2000, but have since realized how much of a mistake that was. Some of us voted for Nader in 2000, but have also since realize how much of a mistake that was. And some of us didn’t even vote in 2000 and have also since realized how much of a mistake that was. In my case, I wasn’t even 18, so I guess it wasn’t really a mistake.Despite all our differences and diversity, there is one thing that binds us together. There is one thing that makes us give our hearts and so much of our time to work for this cause. There is one thing that tells us, don’t give up, because we do have the power to change America, no matter what the media or the other politicians tell us. There is one thing that makes us believe that we have the power to make right just as important as might. There is one thing that makes us believe that we can fulfill the pledge of Harry Truman in the 1948 Democratic party platform- health insurance for every American. There is one thing that makes us believe that we can give the 50% of Americans who have given up on voting a reason to vote again by standing up for what we believe in.There is one thing that inspires us to believe that we can heal the wounds of division that have been inflicted upon America by our ruthless president. There is one thing that makes us believe that we can walk hand in hand with every other American, and realize that we are all in it together- that if one of us is left behind, America won’t be as strong as it could be or as good as it should be. There is one thing…That one thing, is a man who had the courage to stand up for what he believed was right. To say what was on his mind when everyone else was silent, but thinking the same thing he was. A man who wasn’t afraid of what media pundits or political analysts thought. A man who wouldn’t give up, no matter what "they" said. A man who truly feared nothing but fear itself, and has inspired us to do the same. That man is Howard Dean.I don’t care what bad things you have heard or read about Dean in the news. I’ll tell you right now, flat out- they’re not true. In our day and age, its easy for media producers to "spin" the news and create false images of people. Republicans have been very successful at doing that to Dean thus far because they don’t want him and his hundreds of thousands of grassroots supporters (we prefer to think of ourselves as ordinary Americans trying to take our government back) running against Bush in November. If you would like me to explain the truth behind some of the "bad things" you’ve heard about Dean, I urge you to email me at wjanderson@wisc.edu and I’ll be sure to get back to you ASAP.Please vote for Dean… because a vote for Dean is more than just a vote for a doctor named Howard. It is a vote for us and the things we believe in. It is a vote for ordinary Americans and the hope that we can change America for the better. It is a vote for me, and you, and every person I have ever worked with since joining this movement. It is a vote for America…

William J. Anderson