The corporate media, from an African American perspective
The Black Commentator ("commentary, analysis and investigations affecting African Americans) is passionate about the role that corporate media is playing in this primary season. They write: "It is important to note that in mid-December, according to Newsweek’s poll, Dean, Kerry and Clark were doing equally in a match-up with George Bush, at 40, 41, and 41 percent, respectively. There was no statistical basis to single out Dean as unelectable. Dean had just gotten the endorsement of Al Gore and two of the nation’s most important unions, AFSCME and SEIU. No matter. The corporate media has the power of self-fulfilling prophesy, and they know it."
And they note that if this is what is happening to a “mildly progressive, Internet-driven, young white middle class-centered, movement-like campaign”…. then all of us are in trouble.
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