Grassroots campaign tools

One of the things that continues to amaze me about the Dean campaign is the sheer energy and passion of all the people all over the country who are continuing to pour their hearts and creative energy into supporting his candidacy. The official campaign has all sorts of useful resources at the main site, but then there are lots of other fun sites out there. Resources for the Grassroots, for instance, has gathered all sorts of ideas and other stuff that people posted in comments to the official blog. Webmasters for America has posted a set of beautiful Dean posters for people to add to their websites. A number of media professionals are creating — as far as I can tell, on a volunteer basis? — ads and other useful tools. They did the "Switch to Dean" site, which is full of very nice little ads. Songs for Dean has both original songs and music, as well as lyrics to melodies. I don’t really have the time or energy to surf to the other candidates’ sites looking for similar materials, but the Internet certainly makes this kind of creativity much easier to share!