Diagramming a Greek text

My colleague Mary Hinkle is creating a really interesting learning site on the web that helps anyone who’s interested learn specific exegetical skills. Currently she’s working diagramming Greek texts — check out a sample here — and she’s soliciting feedback from people. Check it out, and let her know what you think about it.


Courtney Gidts commented on 16 November 2005:

I've managed to save up roughly $81401 in my bank account, but I'm not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?

Courtney Gidts commented on 16 November 2005:

I've managed to save up roughly $81401 in my bank account, but I'm not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?

Courtney Gidts commented on 16 November 2005:

I've managed to save up roughly $81401 in my bank account, but I'm not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?

Courtney Gidts commented on 20 January 2006:

I've managed to save up roughly $57775 in my bank account, but I'm not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?