Standing up for Democrats against the press

BodyandSoul makes an excellent point about the press and this political primary race: "The natural tendency, when you see your opponent get trashed, even when you know it’s unfair, is to sit back and watch it happen. But under the circumstances, I think the Democrats have more to gain from standing up for each other than from standing by and letting it happen. In other words, all of the candidates should make it clear that they object to the press putting the Dean Scream on endless repeat. When they go after Dean for mentioning Diebold, all of them should back him up. After Clark was attacked unfairly, all of them should make clear that while they may not want to dwell on Bush’s military record, it’s disingenuous of the press to completely ignore it." She’s not supporting any particular candidate here, so much as the inability of our media elite to be thorough investigators. There’s more than enough claims being made left and right, for the media to have plenty to go to work on. I wish they’d begin!