Cracking the Da Vinci code

One of the things I spend a lot of time doing with students, is helping them figure out how to respect the interests and questions of the people for whom they will eventually be designing learning events. One of the hot topics out there these days is how — if at all — to reconcile Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code — with a biblical faith. It’s a fun question, and can lead into all sorts of interesting and evocative places. Now one of my NT colleagues at Luther, Matt Skinner has been giving lectures at local churches on this theme, trying to invite people more deeply into biblical texts. This morning one of those lectures made the front page of the Star Tribune! I’m particularly pleased about this, because I think the story reads pretty responsibly, and gives Matt 30 seconds to say something useful (more than most newspaper articles). (Not to mention affirms for my students some of what I’ve been trying to invite them to understand).