Where is the outrage?

Ruth Rosen, writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, asks "where is the outrage?" in relation to a respected Carnegie report that seriously indicts the Bush Administration’s credibility with regard to the whole "weapons of mass destruction" issue. But I’d like to ask this question, also, in relation to today’s Supreme Court refusal to hear the case concerning withholding the names of people being held under the Patriot Act. What kind of country are we living in? Surely a democracy, governed by the rule of law, should hold to those laws even when it’s not convenient? Even when we can’t "guarantee" security? I think way too much is being done right now in the US under the cover of concerns for "national security." We need to pay more attention to the basic beliefs that govern us, and recognize that a concern for democracy and human rights, the fair rule of law, and so on, are what really give us national security.