MA can’t deny same-sex marriage

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that the state constitution forbids the state to deny the benefits of marriage to same sex couples. I am so grateful that the court ruled this way, but it is only one step on a long journey. The Christian Science Monitor has a good piece on the ruling, which also includes a table that describes how various denominations engage the issue. I wish that I could find ways to engage my fellow Christians on this issue that were hopeful and transformative. I still find it hard to understand why people are so threatened by the idea. Far from detracting from marriage, I think that this kind of decision supports it, because it validates the reality that significant benefits accrue to people who make permanent, monogamous vows to each other. Having been married for fifteen years myself, I know how hard it is to sustain this kind of relationship, and I think those of us committed to doing so need all of the help and support we can find — regardless of our gender.