Where is my mind these days?

I confess to being too stressed out and tired to be coherent in here. Yesterday I missed a doctor’s appointment for my son — which I NEVER, EVER do — but I hadn’t recorded it in my electronic calendar, so I had forgotten about it. Today I locked my keys in the car — while it was still running — on my way into the office from the parking lot. I don’t usually write so personally in this weblog, but I feel like I am losing a little bit of my mind, and putting at least some of it here helps. If I can only get through the rest of this month, I should be able to catch up, but spending weekends at scholarly meetings (as I did last weekend, at REA/APRRE) isn’t helping. Life becomes so much more difficult when my eldest is discombobulated (he lives with Asperger’s syndrome), and we can pretty much guarantee that he will be so when our schedule changes (like, when I’m out of town). Sigh. I really don’t know how other academics who are also parents of young children, do this. I certainly am not doing very well with it at the moment…