Hurray for D-Space!

/ 3 August 2003

Ok, I have to admit to a thrill of pride these days. My partner Eric spent a year commuting from the Twin Cities back to Cambridge and MIT when I took my current position at Luther, largely so that he could develop a digital document archive called D-Space. He spent that year bringing it from a dream of an idea, to an actual program (of course, he had other colleagues and friends involved, too). Once the project had gotten going and was on sound footing he came home to be with us full-time, leaving MIT to move to the University of Minnesota. The project has continued to grow, and now it’s getting some national press. The New York Times had a piece about it today, and it’s regularly mentioned in the Chronicle of Higher Ed. It’s really fun to see something that I remember Eric talking about as just a dream, taking on such substantial reality!
