New books to read

One other quick note while I have a chance. I encountered two new books at the Sacred Media conference in Finland that I’m eager for people to engage. The first is Lynn Schofield Clark’s latest book, “From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the media and the supernatural.” It’s just out from Oxford University Press and has been getting a lot of useful attention. I have followed Lynn’s work for quite a few years now, and I think she’s doing some really fascinating research that has important implications for communities of faith.

The other book is “Mediating Religion: Conversations in Media, Religion and Culture,” just out from T&T Clark/Continuum. Ok, truth in advertising: it’s edited by another friend and colleague of mine, Jolyon Mitchell, and I have an essay in it. But quite apart from those two factors, it’s an edited collection that is actually worth reading all the way through. It’s also a very accessible introduction to the last decade’s work in media, religion and culture. I hope people find it and use it.


poker me up commented on 01 January 2005: poker me up commented on 01 January 2005: